Bisects all the way down

September 1, 2021

Bisect is a great tool to nail down regression in a project like linux where you usually have no slightest idea what broke your suspend, boot, video, more video, audio, tcp, tun, toaster and whatnot.

Example of other complex projects are firefox, gcc, glibc and … complete linux distributions!

Rolling release linux distributions tend to have frequent incremental updates where each update produces mostly working system. And when update breaks roll back is cheap and feedback loop to upstream is fast.

The key for rolling release system to work is to be able to narrow down quickly on faulty component to be able to isolate it.

A typical example of distribution regression would be Firefox failure to render fonts correctly. What package update caused the regression? Sometimes we might guess easily if font-related package updated recently and we might try rolling it back to verify.

But sometimes it’s a compiler or even build environment bug (like bash miscompilation caused by a gcc bug). In that case it will take a while until we get to the culprit. Or it might be a glibc regression which is not trivial to rollback at all.

Wouldn’t it be nice to mechanically bisect package repository the same way we do projects like linux?

Today’s real world example is nixpkgs repository. nixpkgs is a package tree available via nix tool.

One of nix’s fancy features is the ability to install packages (and it’s dependencies) as an unprivileged user. Or even fetch the package into local cache for one-off use without installing it. Another feature is precise hermetic dependencies tracking.

Example one-off package usage session:

# existing systemwide package (installed outside nixpkgs)
$ re2c -v
re2c 2.2

# fetching version from nixpkgs:
$ nix-shell -p re2c
[nix-shell:~]$ re2c -v
re2c 2.1.1

nixpkgs repository has a few branches of different stabilities. Most frequently encountered are:

More branching details are at

I was foolish enough to try building ccache out of staging branch (I planned to update it’s version there):

# fetch repository:
$ cd /tmp
$ git clone
$ cd nixpkgs
$ git checkout staging

# build ccache:
$ nix-build -A ccache
... <a few minutes later>
make[1]: *** [Makefile:998: fig2dev/Makefile] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory '/build/transfig.3.2.4'
make: [Makefile:1006: Makefiles] Error 2 (ignored)
make includes
including in ./fig2dev...
make[1]: Entering directory '/build/transfig.3.2.4/fig2dev'
make[1]: *** No rule to make target 'includes'.  Stop.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/build/transfig.3.2.4/fig2dev'
make: *** [Makefile:1064: includes] Error 2
error: builder for '/nix/store/149n49648mzf1c9g199jhq9qi6x35c9v-transfig-3.2.4.drv' failed with exit code 2;

Here we fetched git repository of the whole nixpkgs repo and tried to build ccache along with all it’s dependencies. One of them (transfig) failed to build.

transfig happens to use imake build system. I knew nothing about it and had no idea how to debug it. I looked at the generated Makefiles and still had no idea why (or if) things are wrong there.

Having failed at understanding the failure mode I checked if master branch was able to build transfig (it’s normally expected to):

$ git checkout master

$ nix-build -A transfig

$ nix-build -A transfig --check
... <build log>

Built fine. --check forces local rebuild instead of using binary available in cache. I used it to get a build log from successful package and to make sure I don’t have something else horribly broken in my build environment.

Now I could bisect against master and staging states:

$ git bisect start staging master
$ git bisect run nix-build -A transfig
... < a few minutes later>
commit 8675ca0e947f7e847d82828e6bfd4d08822c489c
Date:   Wed Aug 4 08:29:53 2021 +0000

  xorg.xorgcffiles: 1.0.6 -> 1.0.7

Just two shell commands and wer are there! The commit looks vaguely related to imake. Reverting:

$ git bisect reset
$ git checkout staging
$ git revert 8675ca0e947f7e847d82828e6bfd4d08822c489c # minor conflict fix
$ nix-build -A transfig

Revert worked. I looked at the difference between 1.0.6 and 1.0.7 sources and found nothing obviously broken. I still had no idea what I was looking at.

We can bisect xorg-cf-files project as well. For that we can repoint our xorg.xorgcffiles package to local checkout we could modify:

--- a/pkgs/servers/x11/xorg/overrides.nix
+++ b/pkgs/servers/x11/xorg/overrides.nix
@@ -841,6 +841,7 @@ self: super:

   xorgcffiles = super.xorgcffiles.overrideAttrs (attrs: {
+    src = /tmp/cf; # added line
     postInstall = lib.optionalString stdenv.isDarwin ''
       substituteInPlace $out/lib/X11/config/ --replace "/usr/bin/" ""

Let’s prepare source tree in /tmp/cf as if it was just from tarball:

$ cd /tmp
$ git clone
$ cd cf
$ ./

Now we can build transfig against local checkout:

$ nix-build /tmp/nixpkgs -A transfig
... a few seconds later
make: *** No rule to make target 'install'.  Stop.

Same problem.

nix will rebuild xorg-cf-files from local checkout and then will rebuild all dependencies that need to change automatically. No need to manually calculate the effect of the update. Sometimes it means a lot of rebuilds (say, if you bisect gcc). But in our case xorg-cf-files dependencies are just imake and transfig:

$ nix why-depends -f . --derivation transfig xorg.xorgcffiles
    → /nix/store/...-imake-1.0.8.drv
        → /nix/store/...-xorg-cf-files-1.0.7.drv

Both are tiny packages. Bisecting:

$ git bisect start xorg-cf-files-1.0.7 xorg-cf-files-1.0.6
$ git bisect run nix-build /tmp/nixpkgs -A transfig
... a second later
commit d47131ed97ee491bb883c29ec0b106e8d5acfcd3
Date:   Thu Jul 5 10:42:09 2018 -0400

    linux: Update LinuxDistribution == LinuxRedHat section

That was simpler than I thought! But still very confusing :) The upstream commit is literally a few defines under seemingly unrelated #if:

--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -190,7 +190,13 @@ InstallNamedTargetNoClobber(install,,$(INSTAPPFLAGS),$(XAPPLOADDIR),class
 #endif /* LinuxDebian */

 #if LinuxDistribution == LinuxRedHat
-#define FSUseSyslog		YES
+# define FSUseSyslog		YES
+# define BuildRman		NO
+# define BuildHtmlManPages	NO
+# define ProjectRoot		/usr
+# define ManPath		/usr/share/man
+# define XAppLoadDir		/usr/share/X11/app-defaults
+# define ConfigDir		/usr/share/X11/config

 #ifndef HasDevRandom

nix does not use /usr host OS hierarchy (in my case host OS is Gentoo) and always uses /nix/store path instead. Thus I would expect LinuxDistribution to be something different from LinuxRedHat (unless it’s a way for cf to say “any linux”).

Let’s check how LinuxDistribution gets defined. It’s hidden in imake itself. We can extract unpatched and patched imake right from nixpkgs:

$ cd /tmp/nixpkgs
$ nix-shell -A xorg.imake

# unpack vanilla source:
$$ unpackPhase
  unpacking source archive /nix/store/dfjcsfxf15zxrbcw62ml1zbczm8zf7d0-imake-1.0.8.tar.bz2
  source root is imake-1.0.8
  setting SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH to timestamp 1552778797 of file imake-1.0.8/INSTALL

# apply nixkpgs-specific patches:
$$ cd imake-1.0.8
$$ patchPhase
  applying patch /nix/store/9hl5c2sg2n6yfia0hy06wdf7yiry4arq-imake.patch
  patching file imake.c
  applying patch /nix/store/kmhjr434iv05bgazd5xbzwygn59pl9k0-imake-cc-wrapper-uberhack.patch
  patching file imake.c

Here is the unpatched bit of LinuxRedHat definition from

#if defined CROSSCOMPILE || defined linux || defined(__GLIBC__)
static void
get_distrib(FILE *inFile)
  struct stat sb;

  static const char*   suse = "/etc/SuSE-release";
  static const char* redhat = "/etc/redhat-release";
  static const char* debian = "/etc/debian_version";

  fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxUnknown    0");
  fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxSuSE       1");
  fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxCaldera    2");
  fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxCraftworks 3");
  fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxDebian     4");
  fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxInfoMagic  5");
  fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxKheops     6");
  fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxPro        7");
  fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxRedHat     8");
  fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxSlackware  9");
  fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxTurbo      10");
  fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxWare       11");
  fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxYggdrasil  12");

  if (CrossCompiling) {
      fprintf (inFile, "%s\n",
           "#define DefaultLinuxDistribution LinuxUnknown");
      fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define DefaultLinuxDistName Unknown");
# endif
  if (lstat (suse, &sb) == 0) {
    fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define DefaultLinuxDistribution LinuxSuSE");
    fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define DefaultLinuxDistName SuSE");
  if (lstat (redhat, &sb) == 0) {
    fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define DefaultLinuxDistribution LinuxRedHat");
    fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define DefaultLinuxDistName RedHat");
  if (lstat (debian, &sb) == 0) {
    fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define DefaultLinuxDistribution LinuxDebian");
    fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define DefaultLinuxDistName Debian");
    /* You could also try to get the version of the Debian distrib by looking
     * at the content of /etc/debian_version */
  /* what's the definitive way to tell what any particular distribution is? */

  fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define DefaultLinuxDistribution LinuxUnknown");
  fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define DefaultLinuxDistName Unknown");
  /* would like to know what version of the distribution it is */

Distribution flavour is defined by presence of /etc/redhat-release file on disk. But I dont have it! I should have gotten LinuxUnknown.

The culprit is in that suspicious /nix/store/9hl5c2sg2n6yfia0hy06wdf7yiry4arq-imake.patch patch we see in patchPhase log. It turns the code above to the following:

#if defined CROSSCOMPILE || defined linux || defined(__GLIBC__)
static void
get_distrib(FILE *inFile)
#if 0
  struct stat sb;

  static const char*   suse = "/etc/SuSE-release";
  static const char* redhat = "/etc/redhat-release";
  static const char* debian = "/etc/debian_version";

  fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxUnknown    0");
  fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxSuSE       1");
  fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxCaldera    2");
  fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxCraftworks 3");
  fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxDebian     4");
  fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxInfoMagic  5");
  fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxKheops     6");
  fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxPro        7");
  fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxRedHat     8");
  fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxSlackware  9");
  fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxTurbo      10");
  fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxWare       11");
  fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxYggdrasil  12");

  if (CrossCompiling) {
      fprintf (inFile, "%s\n",
               "#define DefaultLinuxDistribution LinuxUnknown");
      fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define DefaultLinuxDistName Unknown");
# endif
  if (lstat (suse, &sb) == 0) {
    fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define DefaultLinuxDistribution LinuxSuSE");
    fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define DefaultLinuxDistName SuSE");
  if (lstat (redhat, &sb) == 0) {
    fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define DefaultLinuxDistribution LinuxRedHat");
    fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define DefaultLinuxDistName RedHat");
  if (lstat (debian, &sb) == 0) {
    fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define DefaultLinuxDistribution LinuxDebian");
    fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define DefaultLinuxDistName Debian");
    /* You could also try to get the version of the Debian distrib by looking
     * at the content of /etc/debian_version */
  /* what's the definitive way to tell what any particular distribution is? */

  fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define DefaultLinuxDistribution LinuxUnknown");
  fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define DefaultLinuxDistName Unknown");
  /* would like to know what version of the distribution it is */

Note now #if 0 removes not just #define DefaultLinuxDistName LinuxRedHat but also #define LinuxUnknown 0 and #define LinuxRedHat 8.

Or in diff form imake’s output change is:

@@ -1,3 +1 @@
-#define LinuxUnknown    0
-#define LinuxRedHat     8
 #define DefaultLinuxDistName Unknown

Is it a big deal? How does it change #if LinuxDistribution == LinuxRedHat condition? Let’s try two following examples:

$ printf "#define a 1\n#define b 2\n#if a == b\n    EQUAL\n#else\n    DIFFERENT\n#endif\n"
#define a 1
#define b 2
#if a == b

$ printf "#if a == b\n    EQUAL\n#else\n    DIFFERENT\n#endif\n"
#if a == b

Running the preprocessor:

$ printf "#define a 1\n#define b 2\n#if a == b\n    EQUAL\n#else\n    DIFFERENT\n#endif\n" | gcc -E -

$ printf "#if a == b\n    EQUAL\n#else\n    DIFFERENT\n#endif\n" | gcc -E -

According to great imake intro at it’s one of the common imake pitfalls: in integer evaluation contexts unknown symbols get turned onto zeros.

$ printf "#if undef == 0\n    ZERO\n#endif\n"
#if undef == 0
$ printf "#if undef == 0\n    ZERO\n#endif\n" | gcc -E -

Thus the fix is trivial: don’t omit any enum definition as other packages using imake actually rely on them being present. Possible fix:

--- a/imake.c
+++ b/imake.c
@@ -998,121 +998,121 @@ get_libc_version(FILE *inFile)
 #if defined CROSSCOMPILE || defined linux || defined(__GLIBC__)
 static void
 get_distrib(FILE *inFile)
-#if 0
   struct stat sb;

   static const char*   suse = "/etc/SuSE-release";
   static const char* redhat = "/etc/redhat-release";
   static const char* debian = "/etc/debian_version";

   fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxUnknown    0");
   fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxSuSE       1");
   fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxCaldera    2");
   fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxCraftworks 3");
   fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxDebian     4");
   fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxInfoMagic  5");
   fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxKheops     6");
   fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxPro        7");
   fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxRedHat     8");
   fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxSlackware  9");
   fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxTurbo      10");
   fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxWare       11");
   fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxYggdrasil  12");

+#if 0
   if (CrossCompiling) {
       fprintf (inFile, "%s\n",
               "#define DefaultLinuxDistribution LinuxUnknown");
       fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define DefaultLinuxDistName Unknown");
 # endif
   if (lstat (suse, &sb) == 0) {
     fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define DefaultLinuxDistribution LinuxSuSE");
     fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define DefaultLinuxDistName SuSE");
   if (lstat (redhat, &sb) == 0) {
     fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define DefaultLinuxDistribution LinuxRedHat");
     fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define DefaultLinuxDistName RedHat");
   if (lstat (debian, &sb) == 0) {
     fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define DefaultLinuxDistribution LinuxDebian");
     fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define DefaultLinuxDistName Debian");
     /* You could also try to get the version of the Debian distrib by looking
      * at the content of /etc/debian_version */
   /* what's the definitive way to tell what any particular distribution is? */

   fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define DefaultLinuxDistribution LinuxUnknown");
   fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define DefaultLinuxDistName Unknown");
   /* would like to know what version of the distribution it is */

We move #if 0 below to always define #define LinuxRedHat 8 and friends.

Original imake.patch was added in 2006. This makes it 15 years old bug.

The fix is pending at pull request. Fixing imake immediately broke xcruiser, xvkbd and xxkb packages (reviewers++). It was failing for the lack of path overrides that were now exposed on non-LinuxRedHat systems. We will probably see more subtle breakages. I hope future breakages will not be as magic as this one.

Now I can test my ccache update against nixpkgs/staging.

Imake doc shares a few amusing facts and subtle tips on how to workaround certain C preprocessor behaviours to force it to generate valid makefiles. For example if you want cpp to print ‘#’ you need to prepend it with … a C comment!

$ printf '# Makefile comment\n'
# Makefile comment

$ printf '# Makefile comment\n' | gcc -traditional -E -
<stdin>:1:3: error: invalid preprocessing directive #Makefile

$ printf '/**/# Makefile comment\n' | gcc -traditional -E -
# Makefile comment

Parting words

nixpkgs makes it trivial to bisect faulty package updates on a package level as you would normally do it on project level.

I found a few new things along the way:

Have fun!