Porting to pure Bison API

September 4, 2022

A few weeks ago I started code cleanup for Ski. Upstream Ski released in 2007 last time. I think it was actively developed in 2003. That makes Ski about a 20 years old codebase. It was more of a proof-of-concept makeshift project to help early adopters than a piece of finished and maintained work. But it works surprisingly good even today.

I would like to add a few medium sized features to Ski. I am a bit afraid to make non-trivial changes. I decided to do do minor cleanup first.

To deal with code health of old projects that I pretend to own (and thus have the ability to do large cleanup changes) I have a few hacks available. It mostly boils down to enabling a few compiler warnings to use as suggestions for making things a bit more explicit.

I’ll outline some tricks I used for Ski and then will focus on Bison API update.

Simple tricks

C has a few language warts that allow you write code that is very likely incorrect and yet standard compliant. A good example is implicit function declaration behaviour. Luckily gcc has a set of warning to catch those.

Implicit variable and function declarations

To catch implicit function and variables gcc has at least the following flags:

I used these warnings successfully in xmms2, linux kernel and and other projects.

Linux kernel is especially prone to these bugs as it heavily uses top level macros a lot. lack of header inclusion for such a macro usually turns macro call into a function declaration without any build failure.

Related build failures are still being fixed in linux kernel to this day. Header inclusion changes are happening there all the time to speed builds up and huge amount of CONFIG options increases the chance of detting into a combination where a few headers got lost.

I’d say it’s a must have set of warning flags for a C-based project.

Modernized configure.ac/Makefile.am

If the outdated project is autotools-based then chances are it uses many deprecated and invalid constructs. Sometimes a project has complex ./autogen.sh script. My goal is usuallly to turn that script into a single autoreconf -i -f -W all invocation. Ideally configure.ac and Makefile.am should be enough to configure all the other details. -W all helps catching deprecated macros and other lint errors.

For Ski I did the following changes:

Catch inconsistent function prototypes and mark functions local

Ski is a bit special in a way it handles prototypes. For an example file foo.c with void foo(void) function there was usually no according foo.h available. Instead various bar.c and baz.c files had their own local imports of void foo(void) duplicating the prototype.

The scheme has a few problems: build does not break when you change foo()’s prototype in foo.c alone, 10x prototype duplication is common making it harder to change, function prototypes don’t always agree on the argument count a function has (example).

To find such stray prototypes I use a few tricks:

Make headers self-contained and minimal

When I start adding #include "foo.h" around I frequently notice that some of them are incomplete and require including other headers themselves. I usually use syntax-check the headers to fund such cases:

$ for h in $(find -name '*.h'); do
    gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H=1 -fmax-errors=1 -I. -Isrc{,/decoder,/encoder} -fsyntax-only -c $h ||
      echo "BROKEN H: $h"

To get rid of unused header inclusions I usually use include-what-you-use.

Switch from lex and yacc to flex and bison APIs

lex and yacc interfaces have a few warts in their APIs. The major one I would say is that both heavily use global variables to pass data from one to another (and for user to write semantic actions): yylval, yyin, yyout and a bunch of helper macros to work with them.

One of immediate benefits of switching from yacc to bison is ability to enable --warnings reporting. It is able to flag various grammar deciciencies like this one, or this one.

More advanced benefit is the opportunity to switch to pure API: pure is the one that uses function parameters to pass things around instead of global variables. A few switch examples are this one and this one.

The gist of it is move away from global yylval to explicit parameter threading.

Bison APIs

When I fist tried to switch Ski to pure Bison API I failed miserably. I did not know what Bison generates, what flex generates and what user is supposed to define. I also enabled function rename from yy*() to expr*() and quickly got lost in errors and header inclusion cycles.

I stepped back and crafted simple pair of lexer and parser examples. Then gradually upgraded them to modern world discovering minor API gotchas one at a time.

The experience allowed me to finally port both Ski and re2c to more modern Bison API.

Simple example

Our running example will be the following trivial grammar:

<expression> ::= <digit> | <expression> "+" <digit>
<digit> ::= "0" | "1" | ... | "9"

It allows us write an expression of a digit (like "1" or "2") or an arbitrary sum of digits (like "1+2+3"). We will also allow whitespace around.

We’ll need 3 files:

Simple implementation would be the following:

/* $ cat p.y */
#include <stdio.h>

#include "lex.expr.h"
/* local declarations */
static void yyerror (const char * err);

%union {
    int ival;

%token <ival> NUM
%type <ival> expr

result : expr       { printf("RESULT: %d\n", $1); }
expr : NUM          { $$ = $1; }
     | expr '+' NUM { $$ = $1 + $3; printf("I-RESULT: %d\n", $$); }

void yyerror (const char * err) { fprintf(stderr, "PARSE ERROR: %s\n", err); }

Here we handle our grammar almost as it’s written in BNF. A few things to note:

Note that parser’s definition requires lexing function prototype. Thus we include all of autogenerated header via #include "lex.expr.h".

Moving on to lexer:

/* $ cat l.l */
%option noyywrap
%option nodefault
#include "parse.expr.h"

[ \t\n] { /* skip whitespace */ ; }
[+] { return '+'; }
[0-9] { yylval.ival = yytext[0] - '0'; return NUM; }

. { return YYUNDEF; }

The lexer is trivial:

Note that lexer’s implementation requires union YYSTYPE declaration provided by "parse.expr.h" (while parser’s implementation clearly requires lexer’s yylex()declaration). Thus we pull all of autogenerated lexer header via #include "parse.expr.h".

And our main() function:

/* $ cat main.c */
#include <stdio.h>

#include "parse.expr.h"

int main(int argc, char * argv[])
    printf("Parsing input from stdin. Press ^D when finished.\n");
    return 0;

It’s literally just one yyparse() call! Let’s build it:

$ bison --warnings -Wcounterexamples --output=parse.expr.c --header=parse.expr.h --warnings p.y
$ flex --outfile=lex.expr.c --header-file=lex.expr.h l.l
$ gcc lex.expr.c parse.expr.c main.c -o example1

The program happens to work on it’s stdin:

$ ./example1
Parsing input from stdin. Press ^D when finished.
1       +2

Here we typed 1+2+4 (with a bit of whitespace) and saw intermediate results of 1+2 and intermediate/final result of the whole expression.

Fun fact: thanks to left recursion our grammar allows evaluating parts of the expression before full expression is available.

Let’s have a peek at defined non-code symbols (data, rodata, undefined) of generated files:

$ gcc -c lex.expr.c
$ nm lex.expr.o | grep -v -P 't|T'
                 U clearerr
                 U ferror
                 U fileno
                 U fread
                 U free
                 U malloc
                 U realloc
0000000000000130 r yy_base
0000000000000048 b yy_c_buf_p
0000000000000190 r yy_chk
0000000000000150 r yy_def
0000000000000020 r yy_ec
0000000000000018 B yy_flex_debug
0000000000000040 b yy_hold_char
0000000000000008 B yyin
0000000000000000 B yyleng
0000000000000000 D yylineno
                 U yylval
0000000000000044 b yy_n_chars

$ gcc -c parse.expr.c
$ nm parse.expr.o | grep -v -P 't|T'
                 U free
                 U malloc
                 U memcpy
0000000000000000 B yychar
000000000000011b r yycheck
                 U yylex
0000000000000004 B yylval
0000000000000008 B yynerrs
0000000000000126 r yyr1
000000000000012b r yyr2

Lexer defines quite a few globals: yyin, yyleng, yylineno, yy_flex_debug. Parser does not define as many, but still has a few: yychar, yylval, yynerrs.

I did not realize it’s so much state scattered around.

Pure example

Let’s now turn our example to string input (instead of stdin input) and switch to pure API.

The main change is:

The above set of directives extends int yylex(void) with extra parameters passed around. But not yyparse()! That will require explicit extension with %param {yyscan_t scanner} (as it may be lexer-dependenct).

Here is an updated parser:

/* $ cat p.y */
%define api.pure full
%param {yyscan_t scanner}

%code requires {
    typedef void * yyscan_t;

#include <stdio.h>

#include "parse.expr.h"
#include "lex.expr.h"

/* local declarations */
static void yyerror (yyscan_t scanner, const char * err);

%union {
    int ival;

%token <ival> NUM
%type <ival> expr

result : expr       { printf("RESULT: %d\n", $1); }
expr : NUM          { $$ = $1; }
     | expr '+' NUM { $$ = $1 + $3; printf("I-RESULT: %d\n", $$); }

static void yyerror (yyscan_t scanner, const char * err) { fprintf(stderr, "PARSE ERROR: %s\n", err); }

Compared to original example %param {yyscan_t scanner} extends yyparse() declaration with yyscan_t scanner parameter (and also pass it to every yy*() call including yylex(), yyerror() and many others).

We include extra #include "parse.expr.h" to make sure generated header has the same prototype as .c file that implements it.

You might have noticed that typedef void * yyscan_t; bit. It unties circular dependency between "parse.expr.h" header and "lex.expr.h" header. Figuring out specific details of the dependency is an exercise to the reader. Try to remove it and see what breaks. That error threw me off when I initially tried Ski conversion.

Luckily flex guarantees that yyscan_t is an opaque type and will always be typedef void * yyscan_t;. Thus we can open code it’s declaration directly.

Note that we still print our results to stdin. In a real world example you would probably want to pass another parameter to store final result via something like %parse-param {output_t * output}.

Updated lexer:

/* $ cat l.l */
#include "parse.expr.h"

%option warn
%option noyywrap
%option nodefault
%option reentrant
%option bison-bridge

[ \t\n] { /* skip whitespace */ ; }
[+] { return '+'; }
[0-9] { yylval_param->ival = yytext[0] - '0'; return NUM; }

. { return YYUNDEF; }

Semantic action now uses union YYSTYPE * yylval_param. It is added by %option bison-bridge to yylex() signature. %option reentrant has another effect on the yy*() API: it adds yyscan_t scanner parameter. Let’s look at the yy*() call site in main() function:

/* $ cat main.c */
#include <stdio.h>

#include "parse.expr.h"
#include "lex.expr.h"

int main(int argc, char * argv[])
    printf("Parsing input from argv:\n");

    for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
        printf("argv[%i]='%s':\n", i, argv[i]);

        yyscan_t scanner;
        YY_BUFFER_STATE buf;

        yylex_init (&scanner);
        buf = yy_scan_string (argv[i], scanner);

        yy_delete_buffer(buf, scanner);
        yylex_destroy (scanner);

    return 0;

Here flex’s %option reentrant option requires us to thread yyscan_t scanner. scanner holds full lexing context and does not rely on any global variables.

The YY_BUFFER_STATE buf; buf = yy_scan_string (..., scanner); yy_delete_buffer(buf, scanner); is the flex way to switch from FILE * based API to const char * as an input buffer. It is not directly related to Bison’s pure API.

Let’s check out used globals now:

$ gcc -c lex.expr.c
$ nm lex.expr.o | grep -v -P 't|T'
                 U clearerr
                 U ferror
                 U fileno
                 U fread
                 U free
                 U malloc
                 U realloc
0000000000000130 r yy_base
0000000000000190 r yy_chk
0000000000000150 r yy_def
0000000000000020 r yy_ec

$ gcc -c parse.expr.c
$ nm parse.expr.o | grep -v -P 't|T'
                 U free
                 U malloc
                 U memcpy
000000000000011b r yycheck
                 U yylex
0000000000000126 r yyr1
000000000000012b r yyr2

No globals! r are static read-only lexer and parser tables. Yay!

Bonus: Makefile for pure example

When I was working on an example I wanted to craft the Makefile that tracks the dependencies precisely to rebuild all the artifacts. Be it Makefile, C source, or input to any of generators change. Though straightforward It ended up being wordy:

# $ cat makefile
FLEX = flex
BISON = bison
BISON_FLAGS = --warnings -Wcounterexamples

GENERATED_SOURCES = lex.expr.c lex.expr.h parse.expr.c parse.expr.h
OBJECTS = lex.expr.o parse.expr.o main.o

	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJECTS) -o $@

# generator dependencies and rules

lex.expr.c lex.expr.h: l.l
	$(FLEX) --outfile=lex.expr.c --header-file=lex.expr.h $<

parse.expr.c parse.expr.h: p.y
	$(BISON) $(BISON_FLAGS) --output=parse.expr.c --header=parse.expr.h --warnings $<

# extra build dependencies


lex.expr.o parse.expr.o: parse.expr.h
parse.expr.o: lex.expr.h

main.o: lex.expr.h parse.expr.h

.PHONY: clean


It took me a while to populate extra build dependencies section but luckily make –shuffle kept finding the issues until I got something that works most of the time. Looking at -MMD output I think it’s an accurate list of extra dependencies on top of implicit .c.o ones.

Bison version requirements

Bison’s --warnigns flag was implemented in 2006, around 2.3a version. %define api.pure flag was implemented in 2007, around 2.3b version. Both should be safe to assume as widely available.

Parting words

Pure Bison API is a nice cleanup to do for a project. It should not take much code to implement: just add %define api.pure full and adapt to API extension. The benefit is a slightly more explicit API readily usable in multi-threaded and nested parser contexts.

Have fun!