Hacking on glibc

March 13, 2022


Sometimes it’s useful to check fresh glibc out and test a fix against it. Or add a few printf() statements into relevant modules. Fun past cases of the above are here, here and here.

We’ll look in more detail how to build and use local glibc for debugging purposes. I’ll focus on redirecting the toolchain (and not on the ways to break glibc with rare CFLAGS or configure --options). That would be a separate big and entertaining topic :)

It also might be useful for folks who deal with systems that involve multiple glibc versions present in the system simultaneously (for bootstrap, embedded development or testing purposes).

Hello World anatomy

Suppose you have just built a fresh experimental glibc version. How do you build and run a simple “hello world” program against it without modifying already installed system glibc and gcc?

Let’s dissect a simple “hello world” in detail and try to extract a few assumptions that gcc and binutils already embeds. Here is our specimen:

// hello.c:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) { puts ("hello!"); }

The example compiles and runs just fine:

$ gcc -c hello.c -o hello.o
$ gcc hello.o -o hello
$ ./hello

If you are somewhat familiar with the C toolchain you might already know that there are a few stages involved:

Let’s look at the preprocessing stage. Where do preprocessed headers come from? We can have a peek at it by looking at preprocessed output using -E flag:

$ gcc -E hello.c -o - | head -n 10 | unnix

# 0 "hello.c"
# 0 "<built-in>"
# 0 "<command-line>"
# 1 "/<<NIX>>/glibc-2.33-108-dev/include/stdc-predef.h" 1 3 4
# 0 "<command-line>" 2
# 1 "hello.c"

# 1 "/<<NIX>>/glibc-2.33-108-dev/include/stdio.h" 1 3 4
# 27 "/<<NIX>>/glibc-2.33-108-dev/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# 1 "/<<NIX>>/glibc-2.33-108-dev/include/bits/libc-header-start.h" 1 3 4

As expected <stdio.h> comes from glibc. On FHS systems that is usually /usr/include.

There also is another mysterious header: stdc-predef.h (also a glibc one). It gets added even into empty files:

$ echo | gcc -E - -o - | head -n 10 | unnix

# 0 "<stdin>"
# 0 "<built-in>"
# 0 "<command-line>"
# 1 "/<<NIX>>/glibc-2.33-108-dev/include/stdc-predef.h" 1 3 4
# 0 "<command-line>" 2
# 1 "<stdin>"

stdc-predef.h is a header gcc knows to import if it targets glibc (but not other libcs): https://gcc.gnu.org/git/?p=gcc.git;a=blob;f=gcc/config/glibc-c.cc.

Preprocessing was straightforward. Ideally translation should not depend on glibc specifics. In practice it might but we’ll ignore it here.

Let’s now look at linking phase. We’ll use -Wl,-t flag (thanks MaskRay!) to get details of what linker actually pulls in:

$ LANG=C gcc hello.o -o hello -Wl,-t |& unnix


That is a lot of output! But be not afraid. Some things repeat here 4 times and inflate the output a bit.

All these files above are used in linking process:

Custom glibc

We found out that glibc provides us at least:

Now we should be able to redirect all these pieces. Let’ build our custom glibc first:

$ git clone https://sourceware.org/git/glibc.git /tmp/custom-glibc-src
$ mkdir -p /tmp/custom-glibc-build /tmp/custom-glibc-install

$ cd /tmp/custom-glibc-build
$ /tmp/custom-glibc-src/configure --prefix=/tmp/custom-glibc-install
$ make && make install

We can already use resulting glibc to run other programs:

$ /tmp/custom-glibc-install/lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 --library-path /tmp/custom-glibc-install/lib $(which id)

uid=1000(slyfox) gid=100(users) groups=100(users),1(wheel),26(video)

$ LD_DEBUG=all /tmp/custom-glibc-install/lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 --library-path /tmp/custom-glibc-install/lib $(which id) |& fgrep relocation | unnix
   2844932:     relocation processing: /tmp/custom-glibc-install/lib/libc.so.6 (lazy)
   2844932:     relocation processing: /tmp/custom-glibc-install/lib/libdl.so.2 (lazy)
   2844932:     relocation processing: /tmp/custom-glibc-install/lib/libpthread.so.0 (lazy)
   2844932:     relocation processing: /<<NIX>>/attr-2.5.1/lib/libattr.so.1
   2844932:     relocation processing: /<<NIX>>/acl-2.3.1/lib/libacl.so.1
   2844932:     relocation processing: /<<NIX>>/openssl-1.1.1m/lib/libcrypto.so.1.1
   2844932:     relocation processing: /tmp/custom-glibc-install/lib/librt.so.1 (lazy)
   2844932:     relocation processing: /run/current-system/sw/bin/id
   2844932:     relocation processing: /tmp/custom-glibc-install/lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2

I’m searching for “relocation” here as a hack to see all loaded files in memory.

From the above we see that libc.so, libdl.so and libpthread.so are used from our custom glibc. But libattr.so (attr package), libacl.so (acl package), libcrypto.so (openssl package) are used from their current locations. It is safe to load such libraries only if they were built against same or older glibc versions. All thanks to glibc being backwards compatible.

If we would, say, use use glibc-2.8 as a custom version things would probaby fail to load as those libraries depend on fresh symbols:

$ LD_DEBUG=all /tmp/custom-glibc-install/lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 --library-path /tmp/custom-glibc-install/lib $(which id) |& fgrep libcrypto | fgrep GLIBC_2.17 | unnix
    532869:     checking for version `GLIBC_2.17' in file /tmp/custom-glibc-install/lib/libc.so.6 [0] required by file /<<NIX>>/openssl-1.1.1m/lib/libcrypto.so.1.1 [0]

In this case id binary requires at least glibc-2.17 (via libcrypto.so dependency).

Ok, so running against modified glibc is straightforward. It would be useful to rebuild id (and openssl) against older glibc. Let’s now try building our toy example against modified glibc.

To deal with preprocessor we can use -I option:

$ gcc -E hello.c -o - -I/tmp/custom-glibc-install/include | head -n 10 | unnix
# 0 "hello.c"
# 0 "<built-in>"
# 0 "<command-line>"
# 1 "/tmp/custom-glibc-install/include/stdc-predef.h" 1
# 0 "<command-line>" 2
# 1 "hello.c"

# 1 "/tmp/custom-glibc-install/include/stdio.h" 1
# 27 "/tmp/custom-glibc-install/include/stdio.h"
# 1 "/tmp/custom-glibc-install/include/bits/libc-header-start.h" 1

For complex cases gcc supports many other flavours of handling include paths: -isystem, -idirafter, -isysroot, -iquote and many more :) We will use simplest -I.

Now let’s deal with the libc.so location. Normally -L option would be enough to specify library lookup path:

{ LANG=C gcc hello.o -o hello -Wl,--verbose -L/tmp/custom-glibc-install/lib | fgrep succeeded; } |& unnix
/<<NIX>>/binutils-2.35.2/bin/ld: /<<NIX>>/glibc-2.33-108/lib/crt1.o: in function `_start':
/build/glibc-2.33/csu/../sysdeps/x86_64/start.S:101: undefined reference to `__libc_csu_fini'
/<<NIX>>/binutils-2.35.2/bin/ld: /build/glibc-2.33/csu/../sysdeps/x86_64/start.S:102: undefined reference to `__libc_csu_init'
/<<NIX>>/binutils-2.35.2/bin/ld: link errors found, deleting executable `hello'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
attempt to open /<<NIX>>/glibc-2.33-108/lib/crt1.o succeeded
attempt to open /<<NIX>>/glibc-2.33-108/lib/crti.o succeeded
attempt to open /<<NIX>>/gcc-11.2.0/lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/11.2.0/crtbegin.o succeeded
attempt to open hello.o succeeded
attempt to open /<<NIX>>/gcc-11.2.0/lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/11.2.0/libgcc.a succeeded
attempt to open /<<NIX>>/glibc-2.33-108/lib/libgcc_s.so succeeded
attempt to open /<<NIX>>/glibc-2.33-108/lib/libgcc_s.so.1 succeeded
attempt to open /<<NIX>>/gcc-11.2.0/lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/11.2.0/libgcc.a succeeded
attempt to open /tmp/custom-glibc-install/lib/libc.so succeeded
attempt to open /tmp/custom-glibc-install/lib/libc.so.6 succeeded
attempt to open /tmp/custom-glibc-install/lib/libc_nonshared.a succeeded
attempt to open /tmp/custom-glibc-install/lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 succeeded
attempt to open /<<NIX>>/gcc-11.2.0/lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/11.2.0/libgcc.a succeeded
attempt to open /<<NIX>>/glibc-2.33-108/lib/libgcc_s.so succeeded
attempt to open /<<NIX>>/glibc-2.33-108/lib/libgcc_s.so.1 succeeded
attempt to open /<<NIX>>/gcc-11.2.0/lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/11.2.0/libgcc.a succeeded
attempt to open /<<NIX>>/gcc-11.2.0/lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/11.2.0/crtend.o succeeded
attempt to open /<<NIX>>/glibc-2.33-108/lib/crtn.o succeeded

Almost worked!

crt{1,i,n}.o are still pulled in from system glibc. Such a mix of parts from different glibc versions causes linkage failure: undefined reference to ‘__libc_csu_fini’.

Object files can be redirected with -B (or can be redirected with -nostartfiles /path/to/crt{1,i,n}.o):

$ LANG=C gcc hello.o -o hello -Wl,--verbose -L/tmp/custom-glibc-install/lib -B/tmp/custom-glibc-install/lib | fgrep succeeded |& unnix
attempt to open /tmp/custom-glibc-install/lib/crt1.o succeeded
attempt to open /tmp/custom-glibc-install/lib/crti.o succeeded
attempt to open /<<NIX>>/gcc-11.2.0/lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/11.2.0/crtbegin.o succeeded
attempt to open hello.o succeeded
attempt to open /<<NIX>>/gcc-11.2.0/lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/11.2.0/libgcc.a succeeded
attempt to open /<<NIX>>/glibc-2.33-108/lib/libgcc_s.so succeeded
attempt to open /<<NIX>>/glibc-2.33-108/lib/libgcc_s.so.1 succeeded
attempt to open /<<NIX>>/gcc-11.2.0/lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/11.2.0/libgcc.a succeeded
attempt to open /tmp/custom-glibc-install/lib/libc.so succeeded
attempt to open /tmp/custom-glibc-install/lib/libc.so.6 succeeded
attempt to open /tmp/custom-glibc-install/lib/libc_nonshared.a succeeded
attempt to open /tmp/custom-glibc-install/lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 succeeded
attempt to open /<<NIX>>/gcc-11.2.0/lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/11.2.0/libgcc.a succeeded
attempt to open /<<NIX>>/glibc-2.33-108/lib/libgcc_s.so succeeded
attempt to open /<<NIX>>/glibc-2.33-108/lib/libgcc_s.so.1 succeeded
attempt to open /<<NIX>>/gcc-11.2.0/lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/11.2.0/libgcc.a succeeded
attempt to open /<<NIX>>/gcc-11.2.0/lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/11.2.0/crtend.o succeeded
attempt to open /tmp/custom-glibc-install/lib/crtn.o succeeded

Let’s ignore libgcc_s.so for now. It’s not really a part of glibc but a nixpkgs idiosyncrasy. The rest of glibc files is successfully redirected!

Does final result look good now? Let’s try!

$ LANG=C ./hello
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Our program can’t even run. Why is that?

$ LD_DEBUG=all ./hello |& fgrep reloc | unnix
   1359934:     relocation processing: /tmp/custom-glibc-install/lib/libc.so.6 (lazy)
   1359934:     relocation processing: ./hello (lazy)
   1359934:     relocation processing: /<<NIX>>/glibc-2.33-108/lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2

LD_DEBUG=all hints at dynamic loader from our system glibc and not from custom glibc. That path is embedded into gcc itself:

gcc -dumpspecs |& fgrep ld-linux | unnix
    -dynamic-linker %{muclibc:/lib/ld64-uClibc.so.0;:

Here linker spec always passes -dynamic-linker /<<NIX>>/glibc-2.33-108/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 path to the linker until it’s explicitly overridden. Let’s override it explicitly.

Here is our final combined result of overriding headers, libraries, object files and dynamic linker:

$ gcc hello.c -o hello \
    -I/tmp/custom-glibc-install/include \
    -L/tmp/custom-glibc-install/lib \
    -B/tmp/custom-glibc-install/lib \

$ ./hello

$ LD_DEBUG=all ./hello |& fgrep reloc | unnix
   1398510:     relocation processing: /tmp/custom-glibc-install/lib/libc.so.6 (lazy)
   1398510:     relocation processing: ./hello (lazy)
   1398510:     relocation processing: /tmp/custom-glibc-install/lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2

Success! We completely untangled from host’s glibc.

Sometimes (usually in bare-metal space) it’s easier to drop defaults entirely and specify all the dependencies as explicit arguments. A few related options you might want to explore in gcc are:

They explicitly disable search paths or object files inclusion for: include paths, startup files or standard and runtime support libraries. Their interaction is subtle. I won’t get into detail here either.

Parting words

It is straightforward to experiment with new glibc without damaging your main install on most Linux distributions. Just make sure you set the environment up correctly and override all the bits.

glibc has many moving parts to watch for when you replace parts of it: headers (-I), object files (-B), shared libraris (-L), static libraries (also -L) and dynamic linker (ld-linux-x86-64.so.2).

LD_DEBUG= is extremely useful for dynamic loader debugging.

Mixing parts from different glibc versions in a single binary is a sure way to get build failure and even runtime crashes.

Have fun!