duperemove speedups

November 12, 2023

duperemove is a great tool to reduce on-disk file redundancy for file systems that support data sharing across files. Currently duperemove supports only btrfs and xfs.

initial user experience

I started using duperemove around version 0.9 when I started keeping multiple chroot environments for various Linux distributions. I had about 15 instances of various systems:


Some of the files had identical or mostly identical content across systems. The typical source of duplicates would be a /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive file. Today it contains ~200MB worth of locales on systems with complete set of locales. Another source is huge dumps of translation files in /usr/share/locale.

As I used btrfs I ran duperemove time to time on a /chroot directory to claw back a bit of storage eaten by these duplicates. I had a spinning disk at the time and I was amazed by the speed that duperemove took to do it’s magic.

more recent usage attempt

A few years later I got an NVMe SSD storage and started using nix extensively to build a lot of packages. nix can produce quite a bit of duplication when building package with minimal changes:

$ ls -1d /nix/store/????????????????????????????????-glibc-2.38-27

$ ls -1d /nix/store/????????????????????????????????-firefox-119.0.1

Sometimes two versions of a package build only differ in the embedded paths of their dependencies: it’s a 32 byte difference between ELF files. For the example above duperemove quickly spots the similarity:

$ duperemove -b4096 --batchsize=0 -q --dedupe-options=partial -rd /nix/store/????????????????????????????????-glibc-2.38-27

Simple read and compare of file data found 1174 instances of files that might benefit from deduplication.
Comparison of extent info shows a net change in shared extents of: 266229126
Found 133 identical extents.
Search completed with no errors.
Simple read and compare of file data found 114 instances of extents that might benefit from deduplication.
Comparison of extent info shows a net change in shared extents of: 2183168
Total files scanned:  10636

Here duperemove managed to deduplicate 70% (253MB out of 357MB considered) in the extent pass comparison. And the extracted extra 2MB of duplicates when considered 4KB blocks within different extents.

I decided to try duperemove on the whole of my /nix/store directory. I ran duperemove-0.11 and got failures related to exhausted file descriptors: duperemove ran with 32x parallelism and was able to hit 4096 open files. That was easy to fix by raising the file limit. I think it worked as fast as before.

But a while after I ran duperemove-0.13 against /nix/store. 2 hours later I found that it did not finish and ate 100% of the CPU. That was unexpected.

I was not sure if it was a particular file that was causing trouble or the sheer load on duperemove that made it degrade so much under the load.

I attempted to run duperemove in incremental mode and found out that it rescans all the files on the database on each run effectively making the incremental mode quadratic. I filed a bug to see if it could be fixed.

Jack implemented incremental mode the same day! I tried it and saw an improvement. But the result was still too slow to run on the whole of /nix/store within a day. I could not easily pinpoint the problem of 100% CPU usage on my workloads.

duperemove complexity intuition

What are the duperemove’s scaling limits? I had about 4 million files taking 300GB of storage in /nix/store on NVMe device.

Quick quiz: How long should it take to dedupe that data you would say? A minute, an hour, a day?

In theory all it takes to do is to read all the data out, checksum it and attempt the deduplication on identified candidates. Should be an IO-bound problem without too many random reads.

Given that duperemove has an optional sqlite database to persist details about previous runs it even skips data read of the files it already processed.

If we have a reasonable fast IO storage capable of 1GB/s of sequential read throughput then it should ideally take about 300GB / 1GB/s = ~5 minutes. And on top of that there should be some minor overhead to calculate checksums and store some state in sqlite database. That was my naive reasoning :)

Practice showed that duperemove found the CPU-heavy work to do for hours on my machine.

synthetic tests

I ran perf top and noticed that duperemove showed unusual reading on various stages of a run: at one point most of the time was spent in sqlite internals, at another one some rb_next() function took most of the time. I did not expect such things in an IO-mostly workload.

As it was not very convenient to experiment with duperemove’s behaviour on real data I tried to throw synthetic workloads at it.

I started simple: created 100 thousands files of 1KB size and ran duperemove at it:

echo "Creating directory structure, will take a minute"
mkdir dd
for d in `seq 1 100`; do
    mkdir dd/$d
    for f in `seq 1 1000`; do
        printf "%*s" 1024 "$f" > dd/$d/$f

How long should it take to run? Maybe 1-2 seconds? Alas running it for real showed the following:

$ time ./duperemove -q -rd dd/
Nothing to dedupe.
Total files scanned:  100000
real    0m39,835s
user    1m54,903s
sys     0m8,922s

Almost 40 seconds of real time and almost 2 minutes of user time (duperemove runs some actions in parallel) to process 100MB of data.

But what did duperemove do all that time? Let’s ask perf:

$ perf record ./duperemove -q -rd dd/
$ perf report

# Overhead  Command       Shared Object            Symbol
# ........  ............  .......................  ...........................................
    70.81%  pool          libc.so.6                [.] __memset_avx2_unaligned_erms
     2.14%  duperemove    libsqlite3.so.0.8.6      [.] sqlite3VdbeExec
     0.97%  pool          libsqlite3.so.0.8.6      [.] sqlite3VdbeExec
     0.58%  pool          libc.so.6                [.] __memmove_avx_unaligned_erms

Vast majority of the CPU time it spent in memset()!

memset() fix

There are various ways to find the memset() call. I took the lazy approach to check where memset() is called with a large value and did not find any offenders. Then I checked all calloc() calls and found huge calloc(8MB) allocating temporary space to read files out. This buffer was allocated at each new opened file. The fix was simple:

--- a/file_scan.c
+++ b/file_scan.c
@@ -887,7 +887,7 @@ static void csum_whole_file(struct filerec *file,
        struct block_csum *block_hashes = NULL;

        memset(&csum_ctxt, 0, sizeof(csum_ctxt));
-       csum_ctxt.buf = calloc(1, READ_BUF_LEN);
+       csum_ctxt.buf = malloc(READ_BUF_LEN);
        assert(csum_ctxt.buf != NULL);
        csum_ctxt.file = file;

After the fix profile looked a bit better:

$ time perf record ./duperemove -q -rd dd/
real    0m13,046s
user    0m11,194s
sys     0m2,581s

$ perf report
# Overhead  Command       Shared Object            Symbol
# ........  ............  .......................  ..........................................
    18.71%  duperemove    libsqlite3.so.0.8.6      [.] sqlite3VdbeExec
     3.18%  pool          libsqlite3.so.0.8.6      [.] sqlite3VdbeExec
     1.95%  pool          libsqlite3.so.0.8.6      [.] sqlite3WhereBegin
     1.66%  pool          libsqlite3.so.0.8.6      [.] resolveExprStep
     1.64%  pool          libsqlite3.so.0.8.6      [.] whereLoopAddBtreeIndex
     1.52%  pool          libc.so.6                [.] __memmove_avx_unaligned_erms
     1.17%  pool          libsqlite3.so.0.8.6      [.] sqlite3_str_vappendf
     1.13%  duperemove    duperemove               [.] populate_tree
     1.10%  pool          libc.so.6                [.] _int_malloc

That was a lot better: almost 3x speed up just for removing a single redundant memset(). It’s a safe change as duperemove guarantees that it initializes the area with data from the file before calculating the hash.

Now sqlite is at the top of our profile. Looks like the rest of 80% samples goes to IO wait time.

needless work on small files

While the test seemed to run quickly I noticed that it complains about dedupe attempts all the time:

$ ./duperemove -q -rd dd/
Dedupe for file "dd/20/426" had status (1) "data changed".
Dedupe for file "dd/20/427" had status (1) "data changed".
Dedupe for file "dd/20/240" had status (1) "data changed".
Dedupe for file "dd/20/439" had status (1) "data changed".
Dedupe for file "dd/20/377" had status (1) "data changed".
Dedupe for file "dd/20/378" had status (1) "data changed".
Dedupe for file "dd/20/452" had status (1) "data changed".
Dedupe for file "dd/20/453" had status (1) "data changed".

Why does duperemove think data has changed? Those are static files I just created for test.

The answer was surprising:

That was easy to fix as well:

--- a/file_scan.c
+++ b/file_scan.c
@@ -937,10 +937,19 @@ static void csum_whole_file(struct filerec *file,

-       ret = dbfile_store_file_digest(db, file, csum_ctxt.file_digest);
-       if (ret) {
-               g_mutex_unlock(&io_mutex);
-               goto err;
+       /* Do not store files with zero hashable extents. Those are
+        * usually small files inlined with extent type
+        * FIEMAP_EXTENT_DATA_INLINE. We avoid storing them as all these
+        * files have the same zero bytes checksum. Attempt to
+        * deduplicate those will never succeed and will produce a lot
+        * of needless work: https://github.com/markfasheh/duperemove/issues/316
+        */
+       if (nb_hash > 0) {
+               ret = dbfile_store_file_digest(db, file, csum_ctxt.file_digest);
+               if (ret) {
+                       g_mutex_unlock(&io_mutex);
+                       goto err;
+               }

        ret = dbfile_commit_trans(db);

A few lines above duperemove calculates count of non-inline extents with data in nb_hash variable. If it’s zero then checksum is zero.

The fix as is speeds the scan quite a bit:

$ time ./duperemove -q -rd dd/
Simple read and compare of file data found 0 instances of files that might benefit from deduplication.
Nothing to dedupe.
Found 0 identical extents.
Simple read and compare of file data found 0 instances of extents that might benefit from deduplication.
Nothing to dedupe.
Simple read and compare of file data found 0 instances of files that might benefit from deduplication.
Nothing to dedupe.
Found 0 identical extents.
Simple read and compare of file data found 0 instances of extents that might benefit from deduplication.
Nothing to dedupe.
Total files scanned:  100000

real    0m7,844s
user    0m7,116s
sys     0m1,686s

This is an extra 2x speed up on tiny files. But we can squeeze a bit more speed out of it. Notice repetitive Found 0 identical extents entries. This happens because duperemove batches deduplication attempts every 1024 files (controlled by --batchsize= flag). We can crank up that flag as well:

$ time ./duperemove --batchsize=1000000 -q -rd dd/
Simple read and compare of file data found 0 instances of files that might benefit from deduplication.
Nothing to dedupe.
Found 0 identical extents.
Simple read and compare of file data found 0 instances of extents that might benefit from deduplication.
Nothing to dedupe.
Total files scanned:  100000

real    0m5,995s
user    0m4,605s
sys     0m1,677s

Compared to our initial 50s runtime we got ~10x speed up.

Question for the reader: what does duperemove do in those 5 seconds? Is there any room for improvement here?

The above set of fixes sped up duperemove on my real 300GB dataset to finish in 2 minutes!

All done?

--dedupe-options=partial mode

When I skimmed through existing bugs on duperemove bug tracker I noticed that duperemove only deduplicates extents of identical size and does not try to look into individual blocks for performance reason.

That sounded a bit strange to me as break up of a file on extents is quite arbitrary at least on btrfs. You can easily have one extent for a huge file or a ton of really small ones.

I threw --dedupe-options=partial at 300GB and got a CPU-bound hangup again. An hour later I had to interrupt the process.

This time most of the time was spent in sqlite extent queries for each individual file. Let’s looks at the fix to get idea where the problem was hiding:

--- a/dbfile.c
+++ b/dbfile.c
@@ -1424,9 +1424,8 @@ int dbfile_load_nondupe_file_extents(sqlite3 *db, struct filerec *file,
        struct file_extent *extents = NULL;

 #define NONDUPE_JOIN                                                   \
-       "FROM extents JOIN (SELECT digest FROM extents GROUP BY digest "\
-       "HAVING count(*) = 1) AS nondupe_extents on extents.digest = "  \
-       "nondupe_extents.digest where extents.ino = ?1 and extents.subvol = ?2;"
+       "FROM extents where extents.ino = ?1 and extents.subvol = ?2 and " \
+       "(1 = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM extents as e where e.digest = extents.digest));"
 #define GET_NONDUPE_EXTENTS                                            \
        "select extents.loff, len, poff, flags " NONDUPE_JOIN

The change switches from this query:

SELECT extents.loff, len, poff, flags
FROM extents JOIN (
    SELECT digest
    FROM extents
    GROUP BY digest
    HAVING count(*) = 1) AS nondupe_extents
ON extents.digest = nondupe_extents.digest
WHERE extents.ino = ?1 AND extents.subvol = ?2;

To this query:

SELECT extents.loff, len, poff, flags
FROM extents
WHERE extents.ino = ?1 AND extents.subvol = ?2 AND (
    1 = (SELECT COUNT(*)
         FROM extents as e
         WHERE e.digest = extents.digest));

Both queries should produce identical result and both do two things:

  1. Fetch all entries from extents table for a given inode (ino and subvol)
  2. Pick only those extents that have unique digest: so that extents are not shared and thus splitting them into smaller extents should not be a problem.

Here are both plans for both queries told by sqlite. Enabling plan dump:

$ sqlite3 /tmp/foo.db
sqlite> .eqp on

First plan:

sqlite> SELECT extents.loff, len, poff, flags
       FROM extents JOIN (
         SELECT digest
         FROM extents
         GROUP BY digest
         HAVING count(*) = 1) AS nondupe_extents
       on extents.digest =  nondupe_extents.digest
       where extents.ino = ?1 and extents.subvol = ?2;

|--CO-ROUTINE nondupe_extents
|  `--SCAN extents USING COVERING INDEX idx_extent_digest
|--SEARCH extents USING INDEX idx_extents_inosub (ino=? AND subvol=?)
|--BLOOM FILTER ON nondupe_extents (digest=?)
`--SEARCH nondupe_extents USING AUTOMATIC COVERING INDEX (digest=?)

Second plan:

sqlite> SELECT extents.loff, len, poff, flags
        FROM extents
        where extents.ino = ?1 and extents.subvol = ?2 and (
          1 = (SELECT COUNT(*)
              FROM extents as e
              where e.digest = extents.digest));

|--SEARCH extents USING INDEX idx_extents_inosub (ino=? AND subvol=?)
   `--SEARCH e USING COVERING INDEX idx_extent_digest (digest=?)

The first plan is more complicated. One of it’s problems is the use of SCAN (full table scan) in CO-ROUTINE nondupe_extents. As I understand the output here full extents table scan is performed at least once for this whole query.

Reading the second plan is easy: all searches use existing indexes in the tables. We fetch all extents for the inode and then leave only those that match a subquery. Subquery also uses only index lookup.

Now the whole non-incremental duperemove run on my 300GB dataset takes 9 minutes. And in incremental mode it takes about 4 minutes.


Parting words

It took me a few steps to get duperemove to work on my machines:

This sped up duperemove run from multiple hours down to under 10 minutes on a few hundreds of gigabytes of small files.

duperemove still has quite a bit room for improvement to get even more performance.

Fun fact: duperemove uses two simple ioctl() interfaces:

Have fun!